About us

The theme ‘INVISIBILITIES’ deals with things that often remain invisible in our society. A well-known example is victim blaming (Victim Blaming). Artists show how greed, ignorance and indifference can lead to inequality and exclusion. The artworks invite you to reflect on issues such as economic inequality, discrimination and the exclusion of vulnerable groups.

Let us surprise you with the projects of the exhibition which consists up to 80% of young talents. You’ll see them first at Manifestations, before they’re included in the collections of major museums all over the world. They challenge you with a sharp edge, but remain innovative and playful.

Think of robots, e-fashion, kids program,
What can you expect? Post-Nuclear Design, Ego-death, Soul Explorations, Dickpic Photobooth, Dirty Tinder Photos, Fodder, Preferred citizens, A.I. Bodies, Coccoons, Phygital Fashion, Depolarisation, Cancelculture, Zeus the “bad guy”, Interscope, Capitalist imperialism and refugees, Propaganda and misinformation, Verwonderwezens, Wall jewelry, Conspiracy Ceramics, Sacred Geometry – an ancient language of the universe, Sick Surveillance Systems, Lockpicking and Ownership, Plants which adjusted to Climate Change, Deep Sea Mining, AR, VR.
Manifestations is a journey into the future, past ‘unreal’ technological realities.

Theme Vision – Think Bigger
Let’s think bigger. Beyond our own interests. Without fears and distracting stimuli. And experience how technology can contribute to a better world. Are you ready for a sneak peek at the future?

In these turbulent times when everything seems unstable, it is important to pause, looking inward and looking outward at the world around us. With ourselves and the world around us. Because it is tempting to get lost in daily stimuli that numb our senses. But especially in these times, thinking big is essential. Can we put our own fears aside for a moment, ignore distracting stimuli and impulses and think about the big question of our time: What is good for all of us? Let’s open ourselves to a vision and enrich, inspire and connect our environment.

At Manifestations you will see things that you have not seen anywhere else. With a focus on the consequences of innovation and a spicy dose of art, tech & fun, we challenge you to take a more critical look at the (mis)match between people and technology in a world that could benefit from something better and nicer. The disruptive gaze of artists helps with this. More than fifty artists, of whom about thirty have just graduated, place the unstoppable technological developments in an unexpected perspective with groundbreaking work that has never been shown before. A colorful collection of robotics, (bio) design, e-fashion and wearables reflects the exciting interaction between humans and technology. It can flourish or escalate…

Accessible to everyone
Manifestations focuses on a broad audience outside the established art and technology world. With an interactive exhibition, performances, meet-ups and children’s programming, Manifestations aims to appeal to young and old with the question: To what extent does technology determine your actions?

An initiative of the Art & Technology Foundation and creative director and curator Viola van Alphen.

2023 aftermovie

2023 aftermovie

2023 trailer

2022 aftermovie

2022 aftermovie

2022 trailer

2021 aftermovie

2020 theme video

2019 aftermovie

2019 aftermovie II

2018 aftermovie

2017 aftermovie

2017 aftermovie II


2016 aftermovie

Stichting Art & Technology

Organisation for Multi Media art, yearly organises projects presenting i.e. media art, with the goal: TECH FOR GOOD: a healthy development of technology, focussing on reaching visitors from outside the art-bubble.. and several other TECH FOR GOOD projects. More info: www.artandtechnology.nl


Team 2024

Creative Director / Curator: Viola van Alphen
Business Leader: Lorin Kamperman
Coordinator floormanagers & tours: Agnes van Dijk
Floormanagers: Katja van den Eijnden, Karen Damsteeg, Aisha Dingemans, Agnes van Dijk, Phoebe Gartsen, Mirjam van der Meij, Kristina Miltcheva, Marta Tuminska, Sophie Yotova, Agnes van Dijk
External Relations: Peter Visser
Coordinator Volunteers: Nikol Vetronova
Social Media: Yolande Willink
Staff Assistent and Educatie: Gizing Khalandi, Aïsha Dingemans, Lisa Machielse
Communication: Mikki Pepels, Nicolet Pennekamp, Gemma Boon
Website and Design: Flora Hellemons, Gudule, Fierman, Nicolet Pennekamp, Oscar Wouterse
Photography and Video: Edwin Smits, Roy te Lintelo, Nadia Hagen, Edwin Smits, Sophie Verstappen, Rudy Betorina, Urban Studio, Studio-H, Marina Provatidou, Olivier Jansen
Exhibition Design: St Lucas College
Tour guides: Arie Rommers, HannaH Bossers, Ingrid Berleau, Cris Copini, Agnes van Dijk, Katja van der Eijnden, Gera Le Mair, Mirjam van der Meij, Peter Soudant
Regular volunteers: Adinda Snelderwaard, Cris Copini, Carla de Cuijper, Ralf Graf, Hans Hummel, Marjon Kool, Emire Korkmaz, Karolin de Kort, Dawid Kowalik, Arie Rommers, Alana van Son, Peter Soudant, Dylan van der Ven (stagiaire), Rutger (stagiaire), Kito van Pol (stagiaire)
Building Team and Light Design: De Fantasten and many others. And many, many volunteers!!
Nauwe co-“partners-in crime”: MAD emergent art center, Emmaus, Kobane, and others.
Manifestations is een inclusief event.

Curatoren en scouts:
» Erik-Jan Kamerbeek. Docent Fontys module ‘Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industry’ for graduates en jarenlange scout bij Manifestations. Kunstenaarsbegeleider.
» Janine Huizinga. Hoofd vakgroep Interactive Media Design KABK. Gerrit Rietveld Academie fotografie en audiovisuele vormgeving en theater, Creative Director bij Waag, Cultural Mapping project Universiteit van Central Lancashire in Groot-Brittannië, oprichter Creative Cooperative, medeoprichtster van de European Stree Design Challenge (jaarlijkse design competitie in Parijs tijdens het Futur en Seine festival). Janine heeft een uitgebreide ervaring als ontwerpdocent, aan de Gerrit Rietveld Academie, het HvA/ Media Lab in Amsterdam, de European Media Masters of Art van de HKU, het Sandberg Instituut en de Xiamen Universiteit Tan Kah Kee College in Xiamen, China. Op dit moment werkt zij ook als coach aan de HKU (Gaming and Interaction Design) en aan de TU/e-Next Nature in Eindhoven. Janine is tevens voorzitter van de deelregeling E-cultuur van het Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie. Voormalig bestuurslid Bits of Freedom.
» Agnes van Dijk. Modekunstenaar. Academy of Arts St. Joost. Oprichter Agnes van Dijk Fashion Art (2012). Genomineerd voor de Eindhoven Cultuurprijs en S4Fashion Europe/Athens. Exposeerde recent in het Parktheater Eindhoven, International Theatre Centre Eindhoven, Manifestations, Fashion Tech Week New York, Menga Actua Impacta Barcelona.
» Bianca Runge. Beeldend kunstenaar, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Arnhem (nu ArtEZ) 1989-1994 Vrije Kunst, exposeert al 30 jaar van Kabinetten in de Vleeshal tot Manifestations, scoutte eerder voor Museum Le Secet, Bewaerschole, Willem3 en KULT Toonbeeld.
» Tom Haakman. Beeldend kunstenaar, HKU product designer 2021. Onderzoekt de samenhang met religie in onze technologische samenleving. Runner-up Young Talent award Manifestations.
Werkte aan de afstudeerexpo van HKU en in de voorbereiding van Days Ahead expositie. Exposeerde bij Manifestations, Object Rotterdam, Art in Oisterwijk, De Nijverheid en in de Grote Kerk Naarden.
» Wesley Hartogs. Creative Technologist, assistent docent aan de TU/e, docent Avans Hogeschool Communicatie en Multimedia in Den Bosch. Werkte al met ChatGPT voordat dit mainstream werd. Exposeerde eerder bij Manifestations en bij Design Museum Den Bosch met zijn Love Letter generator. Heeft een goede neus voor talent. “Ik help mensen en initieer projecten op het snijvlak van technologie, ontwerp en kunst. Dit verbind ik aan een maatschappelijke context.”
» Yolande Willink. Scout en curator voor PLANETART (GOGBOT en TECART): kunst en muziekprogramma (2014-2019) dat de BIS status kreeg. Graduate AKI (nu AKI ArtEZ) gemengde media in 1998. Exposeerde recent bij Möllerwerf en Manifestations.
» Aïsha Dingemans. Fashion Designer. Fontys Hogeschool of the Arts. Young Talent in 2023. Collecties: Fungi in Fashion en Dressed by Nature.
» Sebastiaan Schoonen. Audiovisual artworks, installations and performances. Young Talent in 2023. Presenteert op diverse festivals.
» Joan Bosveld, jong talent.
» Tim Nonnekes, jong talent.

Raad van Toezicht:
drs. G.J.W.M. Altena voorzitter (Stichting Pangea – voor maatschappij en cultuurkritiek)
drs. A.B.A.G. Rasing secretaris (Stichting Odeon – versterken van de culturele infrastructuur)
F.C. Manders (Hyperspace Instituut – Beroepsvereniging AR VR MR)
J.D. Huizenga (Head of Department Interactive/Media/Design at Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, Co-Founder European Street Design Challenge, vrml Waag society)
A. de Raad (Notary. Legal, MSX game pioneer)
Raad van Advies:
J. Wieringa (Zakelijk Leider Cultureel Centrum DOOR Dordrecht)
J. A. Lino (Designer / Professor Media, Interaction and Narration / Theme Leader Creative Economy Fontys, vrml zakelijk leider STRP festival, Designhuis)
J. Post (vrml directeur Philips, Rode Kruis, voorzitter KvK Amsterdam)

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